Arizona DUI Information

Phoenix DUI Abogados

If you need a Phoenix DUI abogado please check our referrals. DUI is a very serious offense in Phoenix and you need competent representation. Phoenix DUI Abogados can help protect your rights.

Driving under the influence is a serious crime in Arizona. You need expert legal counsel to protect your rights! Call  Phoenix dui abogados to help you.

Arizona DUI Information

Impaired driving can be defined as a reduction in the performance of critical driving tasks due to the effects of alcohol or other drugs. DUI is a serious problem in Phoenix.

“You Drink & Drive. You Lose” and “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk.” These national slogans discourage impaired driving and are familiar to millions of Americans. And the message is getting through to the public. In 1982, 57% of motor vehicle fatalities were alcohol-related. In 2002, that number had fallen to 41%. However, the fight is far from over.

In Arizona in 2001, 488 people died in motor vehicle crashes where alcohol was a factor. Thousands more were injured. Alcohol-related crashes are painful and expensive. Costs to treat the injured are passed on to taxpayers in the form of increased public health costs and higher insurance premiums. When it comes to impaired driving, everyone loses.

Arizona Driving Under the Influence Statistics

Police in Arizona reported 7,756 crashes involving a driver or pedestrian with a BAC of .01 or more. Formulas developed by NHTSA were used to estimate the number of alcohol-related crashes where alcohol involvement was not reported by the police. In 2002, an estimated total of 8,095 crashes in Arizona involved alcohol which killed 488 and injured thousands more people.


Alcohol is a factor in more than 26% of Arizona’s crash costs. Economic loss due to Alcohol-related crashes in AZ for 2001 totaled $431,118,600. Alcohol-related crashes in Arizona cost the public an more than $2.6 billion in 2001, including $1.1 billion in monetary costs and $1.5 billion in quality of life losses. Alcohol-related crashes are deadlier and more serious than any other crashes. People other than the drinking driver paid $1.6 billion of the alcohol-related crash bill.  More cost related statistics are below:

Costs Per Alcohol-related Injury

The average alcohol-related fatality in Arizona cost $3.3 million: $.9 million in monetary costs $2.4 million in quality of life losses The estimated cost per injured survivor of an alcohol-related crash averaged $87,000: $49,000 in monetary costs $51,000 in quality of life losses.

Costs Per Mile Driven

Crash costs in Arizona averaged: $8.30 per mile driven at BACs of .10 and above $3.60 per mile driven at BACs between .08-.09 $0.20 per mile driven at BACs of .00

Costs Per Drink

The societal costs of alcohol-related crashes in Arizona averaged $1.70 per drink consumed. People other than the drinking driver paid $0.70 per drink.

Impact on Auto Insurance Rates

Alcohol-related crashes accounted for an estimated 17% of Arizona’s auto insurance payments. Reducing alcohol-related crashes by 10% would save $50 million in claims payments and loss adjustment expenses.

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Driver’s License Suspension Procedure

The procedure that results in driver’s license suspension in a drunk driving is completely different from that of an ordinary moving violation. Under most state laws, the law enforcement officer will suspend the driver’s license even before the suspect has been convicted of the offense. Following an arrest in a DUI case, the police officer will take the driver’s license and in its place issue a temporary license that expires at a later date. The license becomes suspended on that expiry date, unless the suspects DUI lawyer has prevailed at a DMV hearing.

It is the responsibility of the person charged with DUI to request a DMV hearing. The driver’s license becomes automatically suspended by the DMV in the absence of a request for a hearing. This can take place irrespective of whether the charges are reduced later or even dismissed in a court of law. The DMV hearing provides an opportunity to the suspect to argue against license suspension by and through his DUI defense lawyer.

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What Happens at a DUI Trial?

Every person charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while ability impaired (DWAI) in Colorado has the right to go to trial, although not everyone chooses to go to trial.

Here’s an overview of the process used in most DUI trials, starting on the day of trial:

  1. The parties meet in the courtroom and discuss preliminary issues, like last-minute plea agreements or the ability to use or to keep out certain pieces of evidence.
  2. If you have a jury trial, the process of “voir dire” is used to pick the jurors. The chosen jury is sworn in, and the judge reads pre-trial instructions to them.
  3. The prosecutor makes an opening statement describing what he or she intends to prove. Your attorney may make an opening statement, or he may wait until the second half of the trial.
  4. The prosecutor presents evidence to try to build the case he or she described in the opening statement. Evidence may include witnesses, lab reports, and other items. Your attorney may challenge the evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and raise objections to protect your legal rights.
  5. The prosecutor “rests,” or finishes, and your attorney takes the floor. Your attorney may call witnesses or present other evidence, and the prosecutor may challenge it, cross-examine witnesses, or raise objections.
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Colorado THC DUI Bill Voted Down

The bill to advance a limit for THC in DUI blood testing was voted down by the full House Committee today. House Bill 1114 sought to establish an inference for blood limits in DUI cases.

House Bill 1114 would have created a legal inference if a blood test of a suspect in a drugged driving case resulted in 5 nanograms or more of THC per milliliter. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive element in marijuana.

Earlier this year, Colorado’s 24-member task force endorsed a bill that would create what is essentially a limit for marijuana DUI cases. Similar to the inference created if a person’s blood or breath test in a DUI case comes back over .05 (DWAI) or at least .08 (DUI), this bill would allow a jury to be instructed by a judge that the jury may infer intoxication by way of marijuana ingestion if a valid blood test showed a TCH level of 5 nanograms or more of TCH in the blood. Because the bill would have created an inference, and not a per se limit, DUI attorneys would be legally allowed to argue that a person is not impaired by the test result.

Since 2010, lawmakers have tried to establish a marijuana limit for drivers in Colorado. In the past three attempts, a per se limit was proposed that would have made a separate crime for driving with 5ng or more of active THC in the blood a crime. This year’s attempt was different in that it would have created a legal inference, but not a per se DUI crime, separate from the common DUI charge.

With the advancement of medical marijuana, and the recent passage of Amendment 64, law enforcement has been very vocal about prosecuting more cases involving stoned drivers. There has been increased training and focus on enforcing the DUI laws against drugged drivers. The Denver Police Department constantly warns the public about increased efforts to pursue stoned drivers.

The fact remains, however, that there is no science to back up a number. DUI attorney Jay Tiftickjian was recently interviewed by 9News Colorado, and discussed the lack of scientific studies to try to confirm a hard number for marijuana impairment.

The post Colorado THC DUI Bill Voted Down appeared first on My Denver DUI Lawyer.

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