Choosing a New Jersey DWI-DUI Attorney is Critical When Your Future is On the Line

Finding an attorney one can trust to fight a charge of drunken driving can be more than somewhat of a concern, especially since most motorists are not predisposed to retaining a DWI-DUI defense lawyer “just in case.” This isn’t to say that any choice should be made in haste when, one day, a person finds themselves holding a summons for driving while intoxicated. While time is of the essence once a DWI charge has been levied, the choice of attorney can have a major impact on the course and possible results of one’s drunk driving case.

As experienced New Jersey DWI and drug DUI defense lawyers, we know that there are a wide variety of legal advocates available these days to assist motorists with any number of traffic violations, from speeding and other lesser infractions to driving under the influence of alcohol or prescription drugs and breath test refusal charges (not to mention instances where individuals have been accused of impairment due to marijuana use, or possession of weed in a motor vehicle). Any one of these may require an experienced professional, but a drunken driving charge, with all of its potentially serious implications, is not something on which one should gamble his or her future.

As skilled trial lawyers, I and my colleagues are well aware that it is next to impossible for most individuals who have been accused of DWI to become experts in the field of drunk driving law virtually overnight. However, it is still important that anyone charged with a violation as significant as a DUI to study up on who they will choose to represent them in a court of law. We know there are a lot of choices out there, but we also know our track record when it comes to representing drivers accused of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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