Video – Tampa Bay DUI Officers Watch Bar Parking Lots

Tampa DUI, DUI Tampa, dui pinellas, pinellas dui, DUI Video, Video, testimony, arresting officer
DUI Officers Watch
Bar Parking Lots
Tampa Bay DUI Officers Watch Bar Parking Lots. We recently got some interesting video of testimony from a top DUI Sargeant in Tampa Bay DUI law enforcement. He candidly admits the obvious – cops sit on bar parking lots. 
We have suspected this for years but, to his credit, the officer in the video tells us they watch parking lots, act on tips received by phone and other types of electronics messages. We have protected the identity of the officer and give him credit for testifying so candidly. Tips to watch locations come from Phone Calls from Bar Managers, letters, pictures he says, “I get all kinds of stuff.”

Assume this is the practice everywhere – Pinellas, Pasco, and Hillsborough counties in Florida. One DUI attorney has said “as there was a basis for the traffic stop and probable cause for the arrest, how or why an officer got involved in a DUI stop is irrelevant.”
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