A Drunk Driving charge for ex-teen idol David Cassidy after he was stopped by Florida Highway Patrol for weaving on a Florida Turnpike.
Former TV heartthrob David Cassidy, 60 was pulled over by Florida Highway Patrol on Wednesday around 6:00 p.m. after officers noticed that the ex- “Partridge Family” star almost caused an accident as his Mercedes was weaving on the Florida Turnpike.
Cassidy who was suspected of DUI or driving under the influence told officers he had just attended a funeral, had a glass of wine with lunch and a pain pill around 3:00 p.m. Officers later found a half empty bottle of Bourbon in the back seat of his vehicle.
The actor was given a field sobriety test and two breathalyzer tests which he failed. It was considerably higher than the .08 legal limit. Cassidy was arrested on suspicion of DUI and taken to the St. Lucie County Jail where he was released on bail the next morning.
Cassidy said the DUI charge is “Hogwash” and was confident that his blood alcohol level was not properly measured. If you are arrested for driving under the influence or DUI it may be in your best interest to seek legal council from an experienced DUI Lawyer who can explain all of your legal options.
Driving Under the Influence in San Diego County
Driving under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug in California is against the law.
If you have a 0.08 percent or more by weight, of alcohol in your blood, you will be charged with a DUI if apprehended. You could be facing fines and jail time if convicted.
Actor David Cassidy Charged With DUI In Florida, 10News.com, November 4, 2010
David Cassidy DUI arrest in Florida, Examiner.com, November 5, 2010
Web Related Resources:
California DUI: DUI procedures
California DMV guidelines about DUI