Thanks to Robert Guest for pointing out this to me. Apparently I was given the “honor” of being mentioned on the Texas District & County Attorneys Association user forums as one of the toughest DWI Lawyers in the Metroplex. The post asks about:
[t]hose folks that make you gulp ever so slightly (or who you would recomend to a family member arrested for DWI – God forbid!) From what I’ve seen, these are the five toughest or most successful, in DFW, when it comes to DWI defense:
4. Hunter Biederman
I’m interested in your feedback or lists so I know who to watch out for!
After the post was put up, it seemed that no one else wanted to partake in the mentioning of names. . . No surprise there! Interestingly, after the post was put up (and pointed out to me), the names were removed by the poster — but now worries, I grabbed a screenshot beforehand. Gotta love technology!
And yes, the names blurred out are my doing — I don’t make a habit of advertising for others on my blog…