Apex/Raleigh DUI/DWI attorney/lawyer comments on reduction of charges, disposition of DUI cases

This Raleigh/Apex DUI/DWI lawyer/attorney is often asked whether the district attorney’s office will consider reducing a D.U.I. charge to a lesser offense. For instance, if a defendant is charged with DUI, could he or she plea guilty to reckless driving, etc., rather than DUI. Unfortunately, at least in Wake County, the answer is almost always “no”. That’s right. Even with an otherwise perfect criminal background record and a low breathalyzer reading, the Wake County District Attorney will seek a conviction each and every case.

Another common question I encounter is whether it is possible to receive a PJC (prayer for judgment continued) on a DUI charge. First, a PJC is a disposition of a charge, it is not a sentence in and of itself. Essentially, the judge will accept a guilty plea but will not enter final judgment against a defendant (ie – it is continued indefinitely). The effect of obtaining a PJC is that the offense does not appear on your driving and/or criminal record. Again, unfortunately the policy of the Wake County district attorney is to obtain a guilty conviction on each and every case.

So, the only way to avoid all of the adverse consequences of a DUI conviction? You have to win at trial.

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