A 19-year-old was charged in connection with the shooting of a 15-year-old recently in Mobile, the Press-Register reports.
Hiring an aggressive Birmingham Criminal Defense Lawyer is important, especially for teenagers who are arrested by law enforcement. Teenagers are impressionable and often make mistakes that lead to arrests. In many cases, their brains aren’t fully developed and can’t fully comprehend the consequences of their actions. Violent crimes in Alabama, such as shootings, stabbings and cases of homicide require a firm that will do everything within the law to protect your rights.
The 19-year-old faces a charge of first-degree assault and was being held on $7,500 bail. According to police, the teen got out of an SUV and fired at the 15-year-old, who was walking. A bullet struck the 15-year-old in the back. First-degree assault, according to Alabama Code 13A-6-20,is a Class B felony, punishable by 2 to 20 years in prison.
The victim was taken to the University of South Alabama Medical Center with a non-life-threatening injury. The two had an ongoing dispute, police believe.
Violent crimes are on the rise in Alabama, according to statistics from the FBI. In 2009, there were 13,093 reports of aggravated assault, up from 11,790 in 2008. That’s an 11 percent increase. Violent crimes were up slightly from 2008 to 2009.
Juvenile crimes in Birmingham are especially important to defend because juveniles deserve a second chance. And not only that, but picking up a criminal history as a teen can impact their ability to finish high school, get into college, qualify for scholarships and get into the military. Being shut out of those areas can severely impact their future.
And in many cases involving teens, they can be charged as juveniles rather than as adults. That makes a big difference. Being sent through Alabama’s juvenile justice system as opposed to the adult criminal justice system can make the difference between a work camp and a prison camp. The penalties are much more severe and being sent to prison can have long-last effects on a teenager.
And sometimes the teen’s mental capacity can be challenged. What this means is that the development of a teenager’s brain, especially that of an adolescent male, isn’t complete. Often, they don’t fully understand the consequences of their actions, the possible penalties and other factors.
It is important that if a juvenile is arrested and charged with a crime, they should not speak with police. It is possible that in cases of shootings, no one gets a clear view of the suspect because everyone is running away and ducking to protect themselves. So, sometimes victims don’t have a clear idea of who the perpetrator really is. That’s why it’s crucial not to speak with police before consulting with an attorney.
Police must gather evidence before slapping the handcuffs on someone and charging them with a serious crime. Don’t help them and put your liberty at stake by confessing to anything. Contact a Birmingham Criminal Defense Lawyer first and allow us to advise you on the best course of action. That’s why we’re here.
If you need to speak with a Birmingham identity theft defense attorney, contact attorney Steven D. Eversole at 205-981-2450 for a free consultation.
Additional Resources:
Mobile police arrest man in shooting of 15-year-old, by Rhoda A. Pickett, Press-Register
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Montgomery Shooting Turns Fatal; Alabama Murder Cases Require Aggressive Defense: June 15, 2011