Attorney Arrested for DUI

Tampa Attorney Arrested for DUI


If anyone has a Second Conviction in Five Years – Penalties are:
For a second conviction, by mandatory placement for a period of at least 1 year, at the convicted person’s sole expense, of an ignition interlock device approved by the department in accordance with s. 316.1938 upon all vehicles that are individually or jointly leased or owned and routinely operated by the convicted person, when the convicted person qualifies for a permanent or restricted license.
DUI Attorney Tampa, Tampa Attorney, Tampa DUI Attorney, Tampa Attorney Arrested for DUI

Attorney Arrested for DUI

Second Conviction Within 5 Years: Minimum 5 years revocation. May be eligible for hardship reinstatement after 1 year.

Will a second DUI charge mean the driver goes go to jail? Second DUI Within 5 years – Yes 10 days. 3d DUI within 10 years? Yes 30 days. First, you must be convicted. 

“The Tampa Police Department’s DUI Unit consists of 12 Officers, 2 Corporals and a Sergeant. The unit provides coverage seven days a week operating primarily at night and in the early morning hours.” says the Tampa Police Department on the web.

Tampa DUI Defense Attorney notices a recent trend in Treatment options versus Jail. Defense Attorney Casey Ebsary was a Drug Court Prosecutor, working in Court with people facing jail sentences from substance abuse-related crimes. Treatment covers legal issues due to alcohol and drug use. Some defendants face a 10-day jail sentence for second DUI charges within five years of a prior offense (10-Day DUI Treatment Track). AA and/or NA meetings are attended. There is a medical assessment that must be concluded one week before entering the center. Cost is reportedly $4,000.00.
One ten-day Driver Program offers a program in a minimum-security jail environment. It is intended for men and women with second-time DUI charges. The program aims to reduce the likelihood of future driving under the influence of alcohol or drug charges.
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