In yet another scandal concerning breath testing machines, hundreds of DUI convictions in Vermont since 2008 are now being investigated because of “a mistake in the software setup on a breath analysis machine and whistle-blowers’ complaints about unethical lab work”. The story is here. As I have said before, including just a few days ago, these situations where it is discovered that the machine has not been working right for years resulting in false convictions are becoming almost epidemic. It is great when these problems are discovered and erroneous convictions can be overturned, but this does little to help the actual people who were thrown in jail, had their driving privileges taken away, lost their jobs, paid thousands of dollars in fines, fees, court costs, insurance hikes, for ignition interlock devices, etc. It sure would be nice if we could trust the science the first time, but until forensic science work is truly separated from the desire to have one’s suspicions confirmed and to get convictions, these scandals regarding breath testing will continue to be commonplace.
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