Defending a Juvenile DUI in Birmingham Critical For Young Person’s Future

A University of South Alabama football player was recently arrested and charged with DUI, according to The Vanguard, the student newspaper at the university.

Birmingham DUI Lawyers have seen many young people in court facing a first-time DUI offense who are convinced by an inexperienced attorney to simply plead guilty to the charge to avoid jail time. But the first plea offer is sometimes not the best offer and sometimes going to trial is the only way to truly get a good resolution. A teen DUI conviction in Jefferson County can strip a young adult of good-paying jobs or a career, disqualify them from scholarships and make starting out on their own very difficult. That’s why hiring the right attorney is so important.
The South Alabama player, a backup wide receiver and punt returner, was suspended from the team pending a full investigation by the school’s athletic department. The Press Register in Mobile, where the player was arrested, reported that he was arrested as part of a Memorial Day police patrol for drunken drivers.

Most universities and colleges will automatically suspend athletes and other students involved in organizations automatically when they are arrested. They, like many others in the public, see an arrest as the same thing as a conviction, even though it is far from it. That’s why fighting the charges is so crucial.

But there’s not only a reputation to repair, but also a future to protect. Getting a DUI conviction on a teen’s record can hurt their chances of getting into college. Many scholarships, whether privately or publicly funded, will disqualify students who have any type of arrest on their record. It may be more difficult for teens to obtain students loans if they are able to get into a college or university and being able to enter the military or programs like R.O.T.C. could also prove difficult.

So, it is important to aggressively defend a DUI charge for a young person because on top of trying to preserve their future, getting a DUI conviction can be very expensive and tough on a young adult. Alabama DUI penalties are tough, even for a first-time DUI offender. Convicts can face thousands in fines and fees, up to a year in jail, a 90-day driver’s license suspension and mandatory attendance in a DUI or substance abuse program. Now in Alabama, first-time offenders may have to pay to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicle.

Hiring an experienced DUI and juvenile defense lawyer can help reduce penalties, win altogether or persuade prosecutors to treat the defendant as a juvenile to keep the penalties off their permanent criminal record. The juvenile justice system is designed to rehabilitate and help teens and young adults not make poor decisions over and over, but the adult system is designed to punish and can be particularly tough on youthful offenders. Choosing the right attorney is critical and could alter a young adult’s life forever. Call today.

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