You have the absolute right to represent yourself, but I would not recommend serving as your own attorney. If you have been arrested and charged with a theft crime, you are probably worrying about how this will affect your life. The punishments you may receive can be harsh and it is vital that you are adequately represented and that your rights are protected. Hiring a Houston Theft Lawyer who is experienced in this type of representation is essential to achieving the best possible disposition of your case.
Theft is a broad term encompassing many different types of crimes. Some may involve theft of property, such as shoplifting or robbery. Identity theft, Welfare fraud and insurance fraud are also crimes that are considered to be thefts. Some may be classified as misdemeanors, but depending on the value of the stolen property, if over $1500 you could be charged with a felony.
Your immediate concerns may be about the possibility of a jail sentence, but there are other consequences that could adversely affect your life and your reputation. A conviction for some types of theft may be an obstacle to future employment opportunities, as well as the ability to rent a home, for instance.
I have experience with theft crimes from both sides of the law. As a former prosecutor, I am comfortable in a courtroom, in front of a jury. As your defense attorney, I will examine every aspect of your case to make sure your rights are protected throughout every phase.
Being charged with a crime can be a frightening time. The consequences for even a first-time offense can have far-reaching effects on your future. Do not take hiring a lawyer lightly!