Toms River- A “Jersey Shore” show member, Ronald “Ronnie” Ortiz, was indicted by an Ocean County grand jury on an aggravated assault charge under criminal statute N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1 et al. The assault arose from an episode of the MTV “reality” series. In it a Bayville was alleged to have been knocked unconscious. According to local reports Mr. Ortiz, 25, was charged with one count of third-degree aggravated assault.
The indictment states that Ortiz, on or about Sept. 4, 2009, in Seaside Heights, “did purposely or knowingly cause significant bodily injury to Stephen Izzo by striking in the face with a closed fist, causing him to lose consciousness.”
A person with no prior record and who has no prior involvement in diversionary program can receive entry into the Pre-Trial Intervention program. A probationary period, where if the accused successfully completes the program, the charges are dismissed. One of the obstacles Mr. Ortiz will have to overcome is the imput of the victime and the fact that the offense entailed violence. Further, a person convicted to a third degree offense with no prior record, is generally afforded the presumption of non imprisonment. However, he could be ordered to serve up to 364 days as a condition of any probationary term he receieves.
A typical defense to this type of offense is self-defense. However, the accused must not have been the aggressor for this to work.