Juvenile Delinquency in Florida

Juveniles can be arrested just like adults, but they are taken to a youth jail as opposed to adult. They can be charged with any crime, including DUI, possession of drugs, sex crimes, and violent crimes. Depending on the specific crime alleged, the child can also be treated as an adult and receive adult sanctions. In Jacksonville, this is called “Direct File”. It is in the state attorney’s discretion whether or not a child is “direct filed”. If your child is arrested in Jacksonville, you should contact a Jacksonville juvenile law firm to discuss your child’s rights.

Our Jacksonville Juvenile Lawyers keep track of trends in crime in Florida. The Florida Department of Children and Families conducts a survey every year of juveniles in Florida. The children are asked a variety of questions about drug use and delinquent behavior. Here are some results from the 2010 survey:

Children who admitted to carrying a handgun – 5.1% of 9th graders, 5% of sophomores, 5% of juniors, and 5.1% of seniors.

Children who sold drugs – 7.7% of freshman, 9.4% of sophomores, 8.8% of juniors, and 8.3% of seniors.

Children who tried to steal a car – 2.9% of freshman, 2.5% of sophomore, 2.1% of juniors, 1.9% of seniors.

Children who were arrested – 5.2 % of freshman, 5.6% of sophomores, 5.3% of juniors, and 5% of seniors.

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