Lindsay Lohan Arrested Again in NYC Assault

Troubled actress Lindsay Lohan was arrested again in Manhattan in the early morning hours of November 29 after an altercation with a Florida psychic in the “Avenue” nightclub in Chelsea. Allegedly, Lohan became incensed when Max George of the band The Wanted began lavishing his attention on Tiffany Mitchell, the 28 year old psychic, instead of Lohan, and Lohan punched Mitchell in the face. When Ms. Lohan subsequently attempted to exit out of the back of the bar in a black Escalade at 4:00 AM, Mitchell identified Ms. Lohan and she was arrested on third degree assault charges.

“Lilo” has additional legal issues beyond the 3rd degree assault charges, however. Back in February of 2011, she was arrested for the theft of a $2,500 necklace in Kamohe & Co., a Venice Beach, CA. jewelry store, and pled guilty to theft charges later in 2011 with a sentence of 120 days in jail, which was reduced to community service, which she never performed. When the sentencing judge learned that Lohan failed to perform her community service, he sent her to jail for thirty days, but due to overcrowding in the California prisons, she was released within hours of her incarceration.

Then on June 8th of this year, Lohan apparently crashed her Porsche into an 18 wheeler in Santa Monica, California, but claimed that it was her assistant who was operating the vehicle. Ironically, on the same day as her dustup with Ms. Mitchell in Avenue, Lohan was charged with Santa Monica police with three misdemeanors stemming for the June 8th accident; lying to a police officer; obstructing governmental administration; and reckless driving. As a result, Lohan now faces violation of probation charges in California based on the four misdemeanors she has been charged with (three in California and one in New York). Considering how fortunate she has been in the past in avoiding jail time for her legal transgressions, it is certainly possible that Lohan’s luck has finally run out.

Lohan is due back in New York Criminal Court on January 7th to face the third degree misdemeanor assault charges. Under the New York Penal Law, third degree assault is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by 1 to 3 years in jail and a $1,000 fine. Her attorney seems quite confident that she will be exonerated and stated: “Once again, Lindsay Lohan is a victim of someone trying to capture their 15 minutes of fame.” Time will tell in latest installment of the Lohan legal saga.

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