Mastering Scientific Evidence DUI Seminar a Success

The National College for DUI Defense and the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association put on an annual seminar in New Orleans titled “Mastering Scientific Evidence.” Six attorneys from Colorado were in attendance, including three from Tiftickjian Law Firm. This seminar is widely known as the premier DWI/DUI scientific evidence seminar in the country.

Mastering Scientific Evidence is an intensive three day seminar dedicated to legal issues in forensic toxicology and other impaired driving scientific disciplines. In addition to the presentations, there is a mock trial with twelve jurors.

The topics at this year’s seminar ranged from toxicology, chromatography, breath testing, and phlebotomy. Some of the topics presented on were  the Reliability of Breath Testing in DUI Cases; Fundamentals of Gas Chromatography for Lawyers; Intoxication by Drug—Vastly Different Than Alcohol; Ethical Responsibilities in DUI Cases; and Medicine (DSM) vs. NHTSA in DUI Cases.


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