Merry Christmas! Now go back to your family

If you’re reading this on Christmas morning, please stop, turn off your computer and spend your day with family, friends and loved ones. I’ll still be here.

In the meantime, here is my holiday wish list:

A raise – and more than a little appreciation – for the thousands of dedicated public defenders out there. Y’all are out there defending those who have no one else. Keep up the good fight.

More funds, and more volunteers, for groups such as The Innocence Project who are fighting to exonerate the innocent who remain locked behind bars.

A one-way return trip ticket for all of our servicemen fighting a pointless war in the Middle East. 

Some scotch tape for the Bill of Rights. It’s taken a beating over the years and there are plenty of judges and prosecutors who need to read what it says.

Have a happy holiday and remember that best way to avoid a DWI arrest is not to drink and drive.

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