Whether you’ve received a summons for driving while intoxicated or been arrested for prescription drug DUI, there’s a good chance that you’ve been wondering if a drunken driving defense attorney is worth the expense. It makes little difference whether you live in Morris, Ocean or Middlesex County, if you’ve been stopped by the NJ State Police or a local patrol officer, the resulting drunk driving arrest and possible conviction can complicate most anybody’s life.
Because there is so much to lose as a result of being convicted for drunk driving or illicit drug DUI, it’s a good idea to consult with an experienced DWI attorney to find out where you stand. Penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or other controlled dangerous substance (CDS) make it almost imperative to hire a drunken driving defense lawyer.
Maybe a recently traffic stop resulted in a DWI arrest, or perhaps a motorist received a summons for being intoxicated while parked on the roadside, the initial question one must ask is, “Was I really drunk?” The answer to this question is maybe yes, but maybe no. It all depends on the facts and the way in which the police conducted the initial traffic stop and subsequent DUI arrest.
Considering whether or not a DWI charge was warranted, a drunk driving defense attorney can look at all the specifics involved in the case and determine if a conviction is likely. Maybe it is, but one thing is certain, as with any aspect of the law a drunk driving conviction relies on a variety of factors and no outcome is ever written in stone.