Hit And Run Driver In Fatal Accident Apprehended in Pennsylvania

Julio Acevedo, the 44 year old suspected driver in the March 3 fatal car crash in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, was taken into custody in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on March 6th. 21 year old Raisy Glauber, who was several months pregnant, and her 21 year old husband Nachman, were en route to a nearby emergency room for a medical examination when the fatal car crash occurred at the intersection of Kent Street and Wilson Street in Williamsburg. The Glaubers were passengers in a cab driven by Pedro Nunez Delacruz.

Mr. Delacruz was turning from Wilson Street where there is a stop sign; it is unclear if he stopped before making his turn. Mr. Acevedo who was traveling on Kent Street, which has no traffic control at the intersection, was driving a BMW at approximately 60 miles per hour. He struck the driver’s side of the cab with such force that the engine of the cab ended up in the back seat and Ms. Glauber was thrown from the vehicle. In addition to killing both Glaubers, the blunt force impact caused the baby to be delivered 3 months early by Caesarian section at Bellevue Hospital. The baby died of what was described as “extreme prematurity due to maternal blunt force injuries” by the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office on March 4th.

After the accident, Mr. Acevedo fled the scene and was charged initially with leaving the scene of an accident with serious injuries, which is a felony under the New York State Vehicle & Traffic Law. After the Glaubers and their baby died, the charges were upgraded to three counts of criminally negligent homicide, also felonies, (Criminally negligent homicide is an E felony with a maximum sentence of four years in prison) and one additional count of first degree involuntary manslaughter in the death of the baby, which is also a felony. It is uncertain if the Kings County D.A.s office will pursue the involuntary manslaughter charge against Mr. Acevedo, as it will be harder to prove.

The key evidence in the criminally negligent charges against Acevedo will involve a reconstruction of the accident by investigators to determine whether one or both drivers committed traffic infractions which led to the fatalities, including disregarding a traffic control device, speeding, and reckless driving. Additionally, officials will examine whether distracted driving such as texting, or alcohol was involved.

Acevedo may have fled the scene because he is presently facing DWI charges from a February 17, 2013 arrest in which his blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was allegedly 0.13%, well over the New York State limit of 0.08%. Additionally, according to reports, Mr. Acevedo served approximately 8 years in prison for a conviction of manslaughter in the death of a Brooklyn man known as “50 Cent”. The rap star Curtis Jackson later utilized this as his stage name.

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Leyba Defense PLLC has 50% dismissal rate on DOL Hearings in last 20 cases

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Driver Wins Legal Appeal After 7-to-15-Year Jail Sentence Following 15th DWI Conviction

New Jersey’s drunken driving laws are rather stiff, to say the least, and more than one motorist has been caught off-guard by a seemingly simple traffic stop that then developed into a serious DWI arrest. But as experienced drunk driving defense lawyers, my firm understands that our state is not alone in this regard. All across the country, driving under the influence has become socially unacceptable to the point that DWI laws provide for harsh penalties for anyone convicted of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated by alcohol or impaired by prescription medications (drug DUI).

A DWI or drug DUI arrest can spell trouble for almost anyone regardless of whether they live in Monmouth, Ocean, Passaic or Bergen County. The stiff monetary penalties, as well as the potential jail time, especially for multiple offenders, makes driving while intoxicated a risky undertaking to say the least. As New Jersey DWI defense attorneys, I and my staff of highly qualified trial lawyers understand the risks of getting behind the wheel anytime a person has had even one glass of wine or one bottle of beer.

There is no sense in taking a chance on being arrested for DWI, even when one doesn’t believe that he or she is intoxicated. In light of the zealous nature of our local and state police officers, which is matched only by the tough drunken driving laws of this state, makes driving under the influence a foolhardy activity. Granted, many people may not realize that they are legally drunk and end up facing the full force of New Jersey’s drunken driving statutes. In such cases, it is highly advisable to seek the counsel of an experienced legal professional.

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