Caught Driving Drunk in New Jersey? Find the Right Attorney to Defend Your Rights

Over the many years that my legal firm has been helping motorists accused of drunken driving, I and my associates have been asked more than a few times, “Why do I need a DWI lawyer when I step into a courtroom on a charge of driving while intoxicated?” The simple answer would be, “Because you owe it to yourself to be fully prepared to face the prosecution, which will do its best to prove you guilty of DWI or drug DUI.” But this is only one basic reason.

It’s not a secret that drivers in the Garden State face a tough situation when they are stopped on the highway after having a drink or two. It’s a mistake to assume that heavy drinkers and so-called “party animals” are the only people to be arrested for drunken driving by state or local police. For many, a simple drive home after dinner with friends can sometimes lead to a traffic stop, possibly for some basic moving violation, only to escalate into a full-blown DWI arrest and a trip to police headquarters.

As drunk driving defense attorneys, I and my team of experienced trial lawyers are fully up to the task of representing individuals who have been accused of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of liquor, beer, or doctor-prescribed medication. We know how scary a drunk driving arrest can be for normally law-abiding citizens. But the truly frightening thing about being arrested is that a conviction can result in serious and expensive consequences.

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Step 4: Requesting the Discovery and Evidence for your Utah DUI arrest







The next step after you have hired a lawyer is to obtain all the evidence concerning your case.  As soon as you leave our office, we make a request for several items.  There is a laundry list that we request and that every DUI attorney should request depending on the circumstances:

All Cases:

The Police Reports

The Video

Supplemental Reports by witnesses and other officers


Breath Test Case:

Video of the Breath test room if conducted in the room

Breath Test Result

Intoxilyzer Maintenance Records

Intoxilyzer Certificates of Calibration

Officer’s Intoxilyzer Certification Records

Jail Booking video

Blood Test Case:

Video of Blood draw

Blood Drawer Certification

Chain of Custody documentation

Equipment used to draw blood

Gas Chromatograph documentation

Blood Test Results

Maintenance logs

Toxicology litigation packet

These are just some of the items we request as the circumstances dictate.  Sometimes, if there is no video, we contact local merchants to see if they have video cameras depicting the arrest and field sobriety tests.  In certain cases, this has been very effective in exonerating innocent people.  When we request these items, we provide a copy of everything we get to the client.  The client’s file will match our file.  We find it effective to give a copy of everything to the client so that they can assist us with ideas and facts on the case.  Just because a police officer put it in a report, doesn’t mean it happened that way.  Clients have been very helpful in shedding light on “the rest of the story”.  Such as, “the officer didn’t put in the report that I was wearing 6 inch high heels to do the Walk and Turn test.”  Or “it was 5 degrees outside and I didn’t have a coat.”  We want our client’s involved with the case and work together to find the best possible outcome. 

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Moving Out of Michigan? Restoring a Revoked Driver’s License

If you have been convicted on charges of DUI multiple times in Michigan, your driver’s license may have been revoked. While you may not have given it much thought, if you decide to move to another state it won’t be as easy as applying for a driver’s license in that state. In fact, it’s quite a complex process to have your driving privilege restored; this is why it is recommended that you consult with a Michigan driver’s license restoration attorney.

So, what exactly happens if you establish residency in another state and your drivers license has been revoked in Michigan? Essentially, you must complete a Michigan drivers license restoration appeal successfully in order to obtain clearance. If the process goes smoothly (which is not a given), the way should be cleared so that you can obtain your license in the state you have relocated to.

Basically, there are two options for having your license restored in Michigan, so that you can obtain a driver’s license in your new state of residence. You may choose to file an administrative review, which is done through mail and bypasses the appeal hearing, or you may attend the live hearing in person. Either way, there is a substantial amount of documentation necessary to be successful in having your license restored. Your Michigan driver’s license restoration lawyer can guide you through the process to ensure that you have completed all required documentation correctly, so that you have the best chance of success.

Whether you choose to file an administrative review by mail or attend the hearing in person, you will be required to submit documents which support your sobriety. These documents may include letters from family members, sign in sheets demonstrating your attendance at AA meetings, or treatment records. You must also submit a Substance Use Evaluation which will be provided by a substance abuse counselor. Depending on your own particular situation, there may be additional documentation required; your attorney can help you to ensure all of the necessary support documents are filed.

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