Police Officer Injured in Alabama DUI Accident Will Likely Mean Tough Penalties

An Attalla police officer was injured recently when authorities said he was hit by a pickup on a traffic stop, The Gadsden Times reports.

Any DUI case is serious because of the stigma attached and possible penalties. But any case where an officer is injured or killed is sure to be treated with more scrutiny both by the prosecution and the public — an aggressive DUI defense attorney in Alabama is required.

When it feels like the world is against you, you need an experienced DUI attorney who can fight for your rights and work to come up with a favorable resolution.
In Attalla, rookie officer Robert Brewster pulled over a man driving a pickup truck recently. As the officer approached the driver’s side of the truck, the driver allegedly swerved off, striking the officer, police said. According to the newspaper, Brewster was released from the hospital several hours later with bruising and leg injuries.

The officer’s field training officer jumped into the patrol car after checking to make sure Brewster wasn’t seriously injured and later pulled over the pickup truck driver and charged him with DUI. The Alabama State Troopers are investigating the accident for possible charges.

It’s unclear at this point whether the driver will face further charges, but there is no DUI case more complex than those involving injury or death. That’s why you need the best advocate to stand by you every step of the way.

The penalties for DUI cases in Alabama can range from fines, fees and a driver’s license suspension to serious jail or prison time. Don’t go it alone; contact an experienced attorney who can assist you with DUI assault and manslaughter cases.

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