San Diego DUI related crashes in the vicinity of the University of California San Diego have been reduced because of the California Highway Patrol operation which is aimed at 18-24 year-old drunk drivers.
San Diego drunken driving crashes have been reduced by 63 percent because of increased law enforcement and on -campus instruction since the campaign began on June 1, 2009. San Diego DUI fatalities were reduced by 40 percent. San Diego Area Commander of the CHP Captain Rich Stewart said in a statement, “Anytime a program results in lives saved it’s a success in my book.”
According to CHP Officer Art Athens, San Diego DUI injuries sustained while driving under the influence were diminished by 72 percent. With increased law enforcement by the California Highway Patrol on Interstate 5, 805 and highway 8, the San Diego Police Department along with UCSD Police there has been a reduction in San Diego DUI related incidents.
The CHP DUI campaign was funded by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for a “College Driving under the Influence Corridor Safety Grant.”
Driving Under the Influence in San Diego County
Driving under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug in California is against the law.
If you have a 0.08 percent or more by weight, of alcohol in your blood, you will be charged with a DUI if apprehended. You could be facing fines and jail time if convicted.
CHP campaign cuts DUI crashes around UCSD, Sign on san Diego, November 3, 2010
Web Related Resouces:California DMV on California laws regarding driving while under the influence
California DMV: guide to DUI arrest