Teacher Found Not Guilty of DWI 2nd Offense

A teacher was arrested over the winter holiday break and charged with his 2nd DWI offense in Houston.  The case was eventually set for trial and a jury was selected.  

The officers testified that they were dispatched to a vehicle in a parking lot that had a man slumped over the wheel.  The testimony further showed that nobody saw the vehicle enter the parking lot or move in the parking lot.  In fact, the testimony showed the car had been in the parking lot for over an hour when the police arrived – never moving. 

Based on the officers investigation, they thought the driver was intoxicated and charged him with a 2nd DWI offense.  After all of the evidence was presented to the jury, the Judge determined there was not evidence to submit the case to the jury on the issue of operation of the vehicle and instructed the jury to acquit the defendant and find him “Not Guilty.”

Needless to say, client was incredibly relieved that he was found not guilty of DWI, thus saving is career.

If you or someone you know needs a Houston DWI Attorney, call the lawyers at Johnson, Johnson & Baer, P.C. at 713-222-0400.  Our Houston DWI lawyers have helped many charged with DWI over the years.

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