The Heat is On: Increased DUI Arrests Expected on Thanksgiving


If you have more Wild Turkey than actual turkey this Thanksgiving Day, make sure you have a designated driver to drive you home.

It’s more crucial than ever since law enforcement throughout Colorado plans to beef up DUI patrols during Thanksgiving weekend 2012.

The increased patrols are the result of a program called The Heat is On that specifically targets drunk drivers with additional officers, checkpoints and saturation patrols. The Heat is On is overseen by the Colorado Department of Transportation and is run on grants given to state and local police departments to fund officers working overtime DUI enforcement.

Fatal Alcohol-Related Accidents in Colorado

Every year, 150 people are killed in alcohol-related crashes in Colorado. That makes up 1/3 of all traffic fatalities. Police hope that programs like The Heat is On will help put a stop to those tragedies and encourage those planning to drink and drive to rethink their decision.

Which Police Departments are Participating?

Most local and county police departments participating in The Heat is On will have extra officers working DUI enforcement throughout Thanksgiving weekend, or 11/20 through 11/26. Patrols typically begin around 6 p.m. and end around 3 a.m. in most jurisdictions.

Adams County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Alamosa County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Alamosa Police Department – Increased patrol

Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office – Saturation patrol

Arvada Police Department – Increased patrol

Aspen Police Department – Will not be participating in this enforcement period.

Auraria Campus Police Department – One overtime officer working increased patrols + on-duty officers working DUI saturation patrols.

Aurora Police Department – Saturation patrol

Baca County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Basalt Police Department – Saturation patrol

Bayfield Marshal’s Office – Increased patrol

Boulder County Sheriff’s Office – Increased traffic & DUI patrol

Brighton Police Department – Increased patrol

Broomfield Police Department – Increased patrols with heightened awareness of DUI drivers.

Calhan Police Department – Increased patrol

Castle Rock Police Department – Saturation patrol

Colorado Springs Police Department – Increased patrol

Colorado State University Police – Saturation patrol

Craig Police Department – Increased patrol

Crested Butte Marshal’s Office – Increased patrol

Dacono Police Department – Increased patrol

Del Norte Police Department – Saturation patrol

Denver Police Department – Increased patrol

Dillon Police Department – Increased patrol

Douglas County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Durango Police Department – Increased patrol

Eagle County Sheriff’s Office – Saturation patrol

El Paso County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Englewood Police Department –Increased patrol

Evans Police Department – Increased patrol

Firestone Police Department – Increased patrol with main emphasis on Hwy 119 from WCR 3 to WCR 19, and Colorado Blvd. Other areas will include Old Town Firestone, WCR 11, 15, and Frontage Road.

Fort Collins Police Department – Saturation patrols with a focus on the downtown area, where there is a high concentration of liquor establishments.

Fort Lupton Police Department – Increased patrol

Fountain Police Department – Increased patrol

Fraser/Winter Park Police Department – Increased patrol

Fremont County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Frisco Police Department – Increased patrol

Garfield County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Gilpin County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Glenwood Springs Police Department – Increased patrol

Grand Junction Police Department – Increased patrol

Green Mountain Falls Police Department – Saturation patrol

Greenwood Village Police Department – Increased patrol

Haxtun Police Department – Saturation patrol

Idaho Springs Police Department – Increased patrol

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office – Saturation patrol

Kiowa County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Lafayette Police Department – Saturation patrol

Lakewood Police Department – Saturation patrol

Larimer County Sheriff’s Office – Saturation patrol

Las Animas County Sheriff’s Office – Saturation patrol

Littleton Police Department – Saturation patrol

Logan County Sheriff’s Office – Saturation patrol

Lone Tree Police Department – Increased patrol

Longmont Police Department – Increased patrol

Loveland Police Department – Increased patrol

Manitou Springs Police Department – Increased patrol

Manzanola Police Department – Increased patrol

Mesa County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Monte Vista Apartment – Increased patrol

Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Northglenn Police Department – Increased patrol

Pagosa Springs Police Department – Increased patrol

Park County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Pitkin County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Pueblo Police Department – Increased patrol

Silverthorne Police Department – Increased patrol

Snowmass Village Police Department – Increased patrol

Steamboat Springs Police Department – Increased patrol

Sterling Police Department – Increased patrol

Summit County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Summit County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Thornton Police Department – Saturation patrol

Walsenburg Police Department – Saturation patrol

Washington County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Weld County Sheriff’s Office – Increased patrol

Westminster Police Department – Increased patrol

Wheat Ridge Police Department – Increased patrol

Woodland Park Police Department – Increased patrol

Colorado State Police are also participating in The Heat is On. Like local police departments, most state DUI patrols begin at 6 p.m. and end at 3 a.m. throughout Thanksgiving week.

Limon – Increased patrol

Castle Rock – Saturation patrol

Adams County – Saturation patrol on roads identified as having a high number of crashes involving impaired drivers.

Canon City – Increased patrol

Colorado Springs – Increased patrol

Lamar – Saturation patrol

Pueblo – Increased patrol

Gaming (Cripple Creek) – Increased patrol

Greeley – Saturation patrol

Sterling – Saturation patrol

Fort Collins – Increased patrol

Fruita – Saturation patrols from 11/20 through 11/26. Fruita will also have a DUI checkpoint on 11/23 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Craig – Increased patrols

Glenwood Springs – Saturation patrol

Durango – Increased patrol

Alamosa – Increased patrol

Montrose – Increased patrol

Golden – Increased patrols in areas known to have a higher rate of DUI caused injury and fatal crashes.

Frisco – Increased patrol

Broomfield – Saturation patrols on highways in Boulder County.

Gaming (Blackhawk-Central City) – Increased patrol

“What are Saturation Patrols?”

Saturation patrols focus on one stretch of road. Officers working saturation patrols focus on an area where there are traditionally a high amount of DUI arrests or traffic fatalities. Saturation patrols are usually more successful than DUI checkpoints.

How The Heat is On Deters Drunk Driving

The Heat is On is designed to be a high-visibility campaign. Visibility of DUI enforcement patrols acts as a deterrent to drunk driving. If people see a number of police cars on their way to grandma’s Thanksgiving dinner, they are less likely to overindulge in alcohol and drive while intoxicated.

Contact a DUI Attorney in Colorado

More than 26,000 people are arrested for DUI in Colorado every year. If you were arrested for an alcohol-related offense, you need a DUI attorney in Colorado to defend your interests in court. Sobriety tests, breathalyzers, and even blood tests are all subject to human error. An experienced in DUI attorney has the ability to properly analyze the evidence in your case.

Denver DUI patrol

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