When it comes to putting a price on freedom, bail bonds aren’t exactly a price anyone wants to pay or can afford. However, if you, or someone you know has an arraignment in court coming up contacting a lawyer to help you make the right decisions is imperative. The first chance at an opportunity to receive a reduction in bail is at the Arraignment! Don’t handle matters like these on your own, contact a lawyer. Call Attorney Mark Stevens if you would like to discuss a possible reduction in bail at 1-603-893-0074 today for a free consultation and initial case evaluation, or visit us at www.byebyedwi.com. It’s never too late to contact an Attorney and fight for your freedom! Call Mark Stevens Today, He’ll know what to do!
There are two main determining factors used in deciding whether or not an indiviudal will be granted a reduction in their bail:
1. FLIGHT RISK= A person who is likely to flee the state, area, or even country in order to avoid prosecution and conviction.
In court the flight risk factor is used when they decide whether or not to grant bond to an individual. This factor is considered while deciding the bond amount. Courts can decide based on their discretion to set highger bail if the defendant has a high risk of flight. a person who is likely to flee the country/state/area to avoid criminal prosecution.
2. LEVEL OF THREAT INDIVIDUAL PRESENTS TO THE SAFETY OF THE COMMUNITY= A persons level of danger, violence, terrorism, and safety to and for the community, surroundings, etc. For example in New Hampshire individuals charged with 1st Degree Murder are held until trial and are never released on bail due to their threat level and the safety of their community. First Offense DWI charges usually call for personal recognizance bail.
Call the Law Office of Mark Stevens Today @ 1-603-893-0074 or visit us online for more information and case examples at www.byebyedwi.com.We Look Forward To Speaking with You.