There are a number of reasons why your California DUI defense attorney would want to file a Penal Code 1538.5 PC motion to suppress evidence…they just depend on the circumstances of your arrest.
If you believe the cops didn’t have probable cause to pull you over in the first place, your attorney could file a motion to suppress any evidence that the police collected as a result of that illegal stop.
If the police searched your car before conducting a DUI investigation…and discovered an open container of alcohol…your lawyer could file a motion to suppress that evidence.
If your blood alcohol test didn’t comply with California’s Title 17 legal requirements, your attorney could file a motion to suppress the results of those tests.
As you can see, a motion to suppress evidence is applicable to a variety of situations and may be applicable to one of yours. If your Penal Code 1538.5 PC motion to suppress evidence is granted, it will typically either result in (1) a complete dismissal of your charges, or (2) a DUI plea bargain to a reduced charge and/or sentence.
If you are arrested for a California DUI, be sure to consult with a local experienced DUI defense attorney who can review your case to determine whether a motion to suppress evidence can help your case.